Monday, July 30, 2012

Blackwork is Beautiful

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I'm been quiet here because I'm on deadline for my book on blackwork tattoos, but the boys have been blogging wonders, albeit cranky ones

Japanese Tattoo Flash

Ask questions about Japanese Tattoo Flash here! We can help you find the best Japanese Tattoo Flash information for free.

Tribal Tattoo FlashWith the advances in color and equipment, Japanese Tattoo Flash and their applications have greatly expanded. Pigments are brighter and designs have become very intricate.

Tribal Tattoo FlashJust about any design of Japanese Tattoo Flash can be replicated in the hands of a talented artist. We have entered the fantasy world in body art where faeries, pixies and unicorns dwell. Men often choose dragons, daggers and wizards.

Tribal Tattoo FlashWhile Japanese Tattoo Flash has been in circulation for hundreds and even thousands of years, it is being revisited as more people are drawn to its mysticism and are applying it to personal origins from their ancestry.

Tribal Tattoo FlashReligious art is another developing style of Japanese Tattoo Flash and is highly personal in terms of displaying ones beliefs and customs. The image of Jesus has been growing in popularity, and ornate crosses adorned with flowers are also appealing and aesthetic.

Symbolism is growing among Japanese Tattoo Flash. One must be careful when applying a symbol. Do your research on a selected symbol and its accurate meaning. A simple example would be the pentagram.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Japanese Dragon

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Japanese Dragon Entwined Around a Sword Tattoo Design by Greg James

Japanese Flower Tattoos
Japanese Flower Tattoos

Japanese history goes back thousands and thousands of years. Early Japanese people were well known for their skills in artwork of jewelry, metal, and even weapons. They were warriors as well, regarded as fierce fighters by the Americans. Throughout Japan, there are many examples and evidence of Japanese artwork and Japanese Tattoos.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

maori tribal tattoos design

maori tribal tattoos design

Best Tattoo Ideas for 2009-2010

General info on Best Tattoo Types and best design Categories for 2010-2011

Getting a Tattoo is something that should not be taken lightly. Remember that a Tattoo is forever so please do your research before you 'go for the gusto'. Get yourself well prepared by checking out designs and techniques on the web. A Tattoo can be a beautiful expression of one's personality if done well and placed in an appropriate location. Please people, stop getting ink on your necks, unless you have a job that allows for it. We call those job killers or interview breakers ;-)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Japanese Dragon Tattoos for men

The Japanese dragon is one of the most popular mythological creatures picked for inking and a classic choice for a tattoo design. It is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily-scaled snake-like creature with small clawed legs and a horned or antlered camel head, and is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. Japanese dragons tend to be much more slender and fly less frequently than the Chinese counterparts. The breath of the Japanese Dragon changes into clouds from which come either rain or fire. It is able to expand or contract its body, and in addition it has the power of transformation and invisibility. This is merely a general description and does not apply to all Japanese dragons, some of which have heads of so extraordinary a kind that they cannot be compared with anything in the animal kingdom.

The popular locations for inking Japanese dragon tattoos

japanese tattoo,japanese dragon tattoo,dragon tattoo

Japanese dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body, full body and full back dragon tattoos are quite common, and the most popular location is half sleeve, the body of the dragon wrap around the upper arm and the dragon head extend out the upper front, just above the heart. Because of the long shape of the dragon, it also suited for inking on arms and legs.

Scorpion Tattoo Design on Side Hand

Scorpion Tattoo Design on Side Hand